
News 2020

27 December 2020

It's been quiet since Galvin & Gaucho left us. The two boys now live with 4 older Narinjo's cats with a wonderful family friend in a big house and a fantastic, secure garden! We've already received lots of pictures and nothing but positive news about the two great little tomcats. Many thanks to the whole Bätschmann family for the great, loving home and your trust!

In the meantime, we are already busy rolling again and we are excited to see who will be first with whom... be surprised, we will of course publish further information here in due course!

Now we wish you a nice end to the year and a happy new year


13 December 2020

Wir wünschen allen unseren Freunden, Bekannten, und natürlich unseren Kittenkäufern, eine schöne & besinnliche Weihnachtszeit! Wir hoffen sehr, dass sie alle, trotz der besonderen Lage, diese wunderbare Zeit im kleinsten Familienrahmen geniessen dürfen, und das kommende Jahr viele neue helle Momente bereit hält!

We are confident and full of hope for the future and are happy to be able to present our new plans for 2021 to you today! Our thanks go to our dear breeder friends Nadine & Adrian Egloff (, as well as Melanie & Sascha Steinman (, who make these matings possible for us!

5 December 2020

The Christmas decorations are up, the first snow has fallen, and our two whirlwinds are already sitting on packed suitcases. We are very happy that they can move together to a great family with a big house and secure garden!

We are enjoying the time we have left before the little rascals really stir up the new household. Unfortunately, even after hours of futile effort, it was not possible to cooperate with the boys for a proper photo shoot, which is why I had to make do with a few snapshots in the rather dark gallery. Well, that's just how it is now, these two tomcats definitely have a few more turbos than our previous litters, smile!

21. November 2020

As always, time flies when raising the kittens. The boys are already 10 weeks old and the time to say goodbye is getting closer. The first vaccination appointment is also just around the corner. We are very happy that both male cats are really big and strong, with great weights! However, taking photos and posing are not exactly their favorite things. They prefer to romp and play as much as they can, and sometimes they even have some time to cuddle...

Mit viel Mühe sind mir jedoch einige Bilder gelungen, und wir wünschen Ihnen viel Freude beim Anschauen!

14. November 2020

The brothers are a week older again, and even though there are only two of them, things are already really going crazy with these two rascals. We are delighted with the great development of the little ones and are happy to present you the new pictures of our boys!

We hope you enjoy the current photos and have a nice Sunday!

7. November 2020

The two boys are continuing to develop beautifully and are giving us a lot of joy! Now nothing is safe from them and Mama Titiana has her paws full with her little rascals. When I watch their efforts, I often wonder how she managed it with her previous, much larger litters...

We hope you enjoy the new pictures and have a nice weekend!

1. November 2020

The kitten enclosure has been expanded and the two boys are using the new play area with great pleasure! The little ones are now really mobile and nothing is safe from them. The little brothers now weigh around 1 kilo; a great weight for the little ones who are not yet 7 weeks old. As every week, there are new pictures of Galvin & Gaucho and we hope that these will shed some light on their living room in what is a difficult time for all of us!

25. October 2020

The two sweet rascals have already escaped from their kitten enclosures a few times and compensate for my frustration with incredible charm; you just can't be mad at them! But it won't be long before they take over the entire gallery area! This time the weather played along and while Galvin was in a posing mood for once, his brother Gaucho only had one thought: "How can I get out of here as quickly as possible..." But I still managed to get a few pictures, even if they don't do Gaucho justice in real life, he can actually look just as sweet as his little brother...

We wish you a nice Sunday and enjoy the new photos!

17. Oktober 2020

Slowly but surely our boys are becoming really mobile, they are already using the litter box, although they are not really interested in solid food yet. The two male cats are already really affectionate; and therefore difficult to photograph, as they always run straight towards me, which is really adorable, but it really tests my stamina and patience, smile...

Despite the not great pictures, I hope you enjoy the new photos and have a nice weekend!

11. October 2020

Our babies are now slowly becoming real kittens, and their activity radius is getting bigger and bigger: They are eagerly toddling around, playing and of course cuddling a lot. Mama Titiana is trying very hard to keep everything under control and is doing a fantastic job; she is a wonderful cat mother. The two boys look just like their great father Zucchero; they have his great look and lots of fur. We love finally being able to raise his little bears again and are happy to show you the latest pictures of the little fur pirates!

3. October 2020

The two sweet boys have now opened their eyes completely and both have the great look of their father Zucchero. The little bears are now starting to play for the first time, they are also starting to leave the whelping box and are now constantly expanding their radius. It is a joy to watch the boys and Titiana is doing a really excellent job as a caring mother! We wish you a nice weekend and lots of fun with the new pictures!

27. September 2020

Our two sweet heartbreakers have now almost fully opened their eyes and are becoming a little more active. The two boys are developing fantastically and are already at a real "fighting weight". Titiana is also a really great mom and devours huge amounts of food, which of course benefits the little ones!

Again, the weather was anything but great for taking optimal photos, but we still hope you enjoy the new pictures!

20. September 2020

Last Tuesday evening we were finally able to welcome another little bear from our beloved Zucchero & his enchanting Titiana! We are delighted about the birth of the two brothers Galvin and Gaucho and are excited to see how the two kittens develop! The mother and the boys are doing very well, the two little darlings are thriving and are already really big, strong little ones for their age. No wonder, there are only two of them and Titiana is a really fantastic, caring mother. We hope you enjoy the first pictures of the little ones!

13. September 2020

We are ready and are waiting with great anticipation for the arrival of Titiane's kittens. Since we were not able to observe any mating and Zucchero really took us by surprise with this sweet surprise, we do not have an exact date of birth. However, we are expecting the little ones by next weekend at the latest...

To pass the time a little, we took a few autumnal photos of our new, wonderful living situation, which you can view under Impressions! We hope you enjoy them and have a pleasant Sunday evening!

23. August 2020

Never underestimate your tomcat, in this case the beautiful Zucchero really surprised us and after 3 years made our dream come true: We are expecting kittens from him and Titiana, and we are really excited about the repeat of our E2 litter, which we are expecting around mid-September!

Pictured is the wonderful Chiara from this union, who enriches the breeding of our friends Nadine & Adrian Egloff ( and has already produced some enchanting offspring herself!

26.July 2020

Yesterday we brought our enchanting Gian to his new home. His new family - just like his siblings' new can openers - waited two years for their dream blue cat! It always touches us when we can finally hand over the long-awaited kittens to their happy new owners! We wish Gian and his new friend Gismo, as well as the whole wonderful Beringer family, lots of joy, fun and cozy, warm hours together!

27. June 2020

2 weeks ago Gino & Georgie were allowed to move into their new 5* home! In the meantime, we have already received countless pictures, videos and news of the two sweeties! We would like to take this opportunity to thank Margot & Mändu from the bottom of our hearts and wish you many entertaining, beautiful and cuddly moments with the two whirlwinds!

Our young girl Gioia is developing very much to our satisfaction and is now turning the whole house upside down together with Gian. We will be creating her own page in the next few days.

Since our cats did not agree with any of our ideas about future matings, we changed our plans and now hope very much that we will be able to raise kittens again this year!

6. Juni 2020

Even though our kittens will soon be leaving us, we certainly won't be bored here. We are particularly happy that the beautiful young cat Deandro, owned by our breeder friends Nadine & Adrian Egloff (, has finally become a father. Being able to follow the development of his first kittens is a real joy!

Of course, we hope to be able to raise kittens ourselves again this year. But of course the final say is with our cats, and as we all know, they have a mind of their own...

31. May 2020

The last photo shoot of our adorable quartet at just under 13 weeks old. It's unbelievable how quickly time has flown by; Gino & Georgie are already sitting on their packed suitcases! The two have been eagerly awaited for a very long time and will soon be moving into their new dream home together!

Gian, the biggest and strongest of the litter, already weighing 2 kilos, will stay with us a little longer, and Gioia will stay in our breeding program as a young kitten.

Now we hope you enjoy the new pictures and have a wonderful extended Pentecost weekend!

23. May 2020

We're slowly starting to prepare ourselves to say goodbye to our sweethearts. Even though it's always a difficult step, we're delighted that we've found fantastic new families for our darlings; this obviously makes letting go much easier for us!

Somit ist dies bereits das zweitletzte Fotoshooting, welches - wegen den für Heute angekündeten sehr schlechten Wetter, und somit Lichtverhältnissen - bereits letzten Donnerstag entstanden ist.

We hope you enjoy the pictures and have a pleasant weekend!

17. May 2020

Unserer Jungmannschaft hat den ersten Tierarzttermin mit Bravour überstanden, alle vier Kitten sind gesund, und haben keine zuchtausschliessenden Fehler! Ganz besonders freuen wir uns natürlich über den bezaubernden Gian: Der Tierarzt stellte nur einen korrekt ausgebildeten Brustkorb fest! Für uns ist der kleine Bube ein totales Wunder in dieser belastenden Zeit. Wir sind einfach nur überglücklich und sehr sehr dankbar! Neue Bilder von Gian und seinen Geschwistern mit fast 11 Wochen sind online. Wir wünschen Ihnen eine schönen Sonntagabend!

10. May 2020

It's unbelievable how quickly time passes with the cute kittens. Our youngest will be 10 weeks old tomorrow, and their first vet appointment is already coming up. They are already romping around wildly, but also cuddling a lot. Our young cat Deandro has turned out to be a great way to pass the time, a soul mate, a playmate and a cuddle partner. It's touching to watch him play with the little ones and groom them thoroughly. We are all the more looking forward to the remaining weeks with the kittens and are really enjoying these beautiful days with them!

We hope you enjoy the new pictures and have a wonderful Mother’s Day!

3. May 2020

Unfortunately the light wasn't ideal this weekend, so the new pictures aren't quite as good. All the kittens are doing very well, they are now very active and up for all kinds of pranks. We are really enjoying the lively activity and are really enjoying the time with the little ones after the long kitten break! We would love to raise more litters and of course hope that our cats are happy about that too!

25. April 2020

Our kittens now have a large playground at their disposal and are already romping around wildly. All four are developing splendidly and are really giving us a lot of joy. Due to the current situation, we are unfortunately unable to receive visitors at the moment and the first vet appointment will probably be a little later than usual. However, we have already found loving new families for all of the kittens.

Wir hoffen sehr, dass sich die nationale Lage weiter entspannt, denn wir hätten für dieses Jahr noch mindestens einen weiteren Wurf geplant!

Until then, we will of course enjoy our current fur balls even more and hope you enjoy the new pictures!

19. April 2020

Während wir weiterhin den Lockdown Zuhause aussitzen, versüssen uns die grossen, und natürlich ganz speziell die kleinen Fellnasen diese Zeit natürlich sehr. Ihren lustigen Spielchen, Raufereien, und zum Teil schon gewagten Ausbruchversuchen kann man wirklich stundenlang zusehen. Selbstverständlich kommen auch ausgiebige Schmuse - und Kuschelstunden nicht zu kurz. Kurzum machen uns die anhänglichen Katzenkinder sehr viel Freude und helfen doch sehr durch eine schwierige Zeit. Wir wünschen Ihnen einen schönen Sonntag und viel Freude an den neuen Bildern!

12. April 2020

In these special times, we are enjoying our sweet kittens even more, especially Gian, who is gradually overcoming his misalignment of the chest! It still looks as if he is growing up to be a "normal" tomcat; he is a huge gift and a great miracle for all of us! We are infinitely grateful and really enjoy his gentle character and the little man's beautiful appearance. The other kittens also bring us nothing but joy and we really enjoy being able to raise kittens again after such a long time!

We wish you happy holidays and lots of fun with the new pictures of the little plush balls!

4. April 2020

We are all still enjoying the cuddly and sweet kittens of our enchanting Chuma. She has blossomed into an absolutely brilliant mother who, on the one hand, lovingly cares for her offspring and, on the other hand, lets all the other cats in our household share in the little ones without any complications! We have never seen a cat mother like this before and are of course overjoyed. All the kittens - except for Gioia - are now eating independently; they are playing more and more intensively; and Gino in particular is demanding lots of cuddles... he already loves sleeping in our daughter's arms and is a very affectionate boy. We are pleased to be able to bring some light into your living room during the difficult isolation period with new pictures of the balls of wool and wish everyone a lovely Sunday!

29 March 2020

In these difficult times for all of us, it makes our hearts particularly happy to be able to observe the wonderful development of our youngest! It is heartwarming to be able to watch the now almost 4-week-old kittens on their first exploratory tours through the expanded enclosure, their still timid "fights" and soon their first contact with solid food! The little ones are really quite active now, especially Georgie, who has been trying to escape for a few days now... so we have already expanded the exploration radius of the sweeties today and hope that we have also satisfied little Georgie! We hope you enjoy the new pictures!

22 March 2020

Our little darlings are all developing well, Gian is also lively and is starting to play with his siblings! Our joy about this is hard to put into words; we are just infinitely grateful and continue to hope that everything turns out for the better....

With the new pictures we would like to bring some light into your living space during a difficult time and wish you a nice Sunday evening!

the 14th of March

On March 2nd, our long-awaited kittens were finally born. This time, things didn't go smoothly and we were very worried about both the mother and her little ones. Fortunately, the situation has now stabilized. Chuma is a devoted and caring mother and the little ones are thriving. Unfortunately, we had to find out with our adorable Gian at 7 days old that he had developed flat-chested kitten syndrome.... we don't know how this will turn out, but we have decided to give him his own page anyway. Gian is currently drinking and behaving completely normally and as long as it stays that way, he should be given every possible chance at life....

Bilder und Infos zu den kleinen finden Sie unter N2- Wurf und wünschen Ihnen viel Freude an den dem bunten Quartett!

25 February 2020

Our sweet Chuma is still doing very well, she eats and sleeps a lot now; she is also very affectionate and is now seeking my company more and more. We are overjoyed to soon be able to hold the 4th generation of Narinjo's kittens in our hands!

Since we are absolutely thrilled with the future father of our next litter in every respect, we will be adjusting our plans for this year a little... we can already reveal something here: Another of our ladies is currently spending her honeymoon with the big red charmer, and what we hear from his home gives us great hope for another litter in early May! More information will follow in due course...

To bridge the waiting time a little, here are some new pictures of my soul cat Titus, now almost 10 years old, he is Chuma's grandfather!

15 February 2020

The countdown is on...Chuma's tummy has already become quite round, she eats and sleeps a lot now; even jumping up onto the counter to beg for her beloved Guddys is no longer quite as elegant... In the meantime, we are working flat out on the final preparations for the little ones and are very happy to be able to raise kittens again after such a long time!

21 January 2020

We are very happy that after almost 2 years, enchanting little fur pirates will soon be exploring our new home again! We are expecting the first offspring of our sweet Chuma in calendar week 10; the father will be the beautiful and impressive Fialoas Einstein, bred by our friends Nadine & Adrian Egloff, and owned by Sascha and Melanie Steinmann (av Samjosa), also very good friends of ours. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all very much for making this exciting pairing possible and are really looking forward to the little ones!

14 January 2020

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